VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy is a formula that comprehensively supports the health condition of the body. Its ingredients have a beneficial effect on the whole circulatory system, additionally contributing to increased muscle endurance. Besides that, they stimulate immunity to infections and protect the nervous system from harmful factors. As a result, both body and mind can enjoy well-being.

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VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy formula properties

VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy is a unique combination of ingredients that help to enhance vitality on many levels. It includes amino acids and other compounds with a broad spectrum of health-promoting properties. They have been proven to bring beneficial effects on cardiovascular function. They support the good condition of the heart, and by facilitating the expansion of blood vessels, they contribute to lowering blood pressure. Cholesterol levels are also an important factor to consider in terms of healthy veins and arteries. As a compound that is part of cell membranes, cholesterol is essential for the proper functioning of the body. However, when there is too much of it in the blood, it can build up in the blood vessels in the form of atherosclerotic plaques. The ingredients of VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy help to maintain proper cholesterol levels, thus supporting the prevention of heart disease and keeping the heart in good shape for longer.

It is worth noting that these ingredients also have a beneficial influence on the physical performance of the body. They stimulate the production of anabolic hormones, thus facilitating the formation of muscle tissue. What’s more, they intensify regenerative processes that enable the reconstruction of damaged muscle fibers after intense exercise. No less important for strong vitality is the proper functioning of the immune system. VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy proves helpful in this regard as well. The ingredients contained in this formula stimulate the production of lymphocytes, which are the primary line of defense in the fight against pathogenic microbes. In addition, this formula exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits the growth of certain pathogens, including bacteria and viruses. Finally, it should be mentioned that these ingredients benefit the work of the nervous system. They have been proven to stimulate neurogenesis – the process thanks to which new nerve cells are produced. At the same time, they promote long-term potentiation (LTP) that occurs in synapses, a mechanism that is crucial for efficient absorption of information. And thanks to their neuroprotective properties, they counteract factors that could be harmful for nerve tissue and, therefore, promote good condition of neurons.

VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy is a set of 3 special preparations that promote vitality. It is recommended primarily as a comprehensive support for a healthy functioning of the body. This formula may be used to improve physical performance and nervous system activity.

Ingredients of CoQ10 NooSynergy™:

Coenzyme Q10 | Ubichinon
  • 100 mg / 2 caps.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is known as a catalyst in the process of energy production. In fact, it is necessary to transform nutrients into ATP in mitochondria. In the human organism up to 90% of energy is produced with CoQ10. What is more, it has many properties that affect health in a positive way. It is a strong antioxidant, which protects the mitochondria and the DNA from damage. It also benefits the skin condition, and improves physical performance. All the same, coenzyme Q10 protects the cells of the liver from harmful factors. This compound is a great support for the brain as it improves cognitive functions, including memory and attention. An average person has approx. 2 g of CoQ10, but 500 mg are changed into different molecules every single day.
Creatine | PharmaCreatine™
  • 900 mg / 2 caps.
Creatine is a peptide known especially for its anabolic and anti-catabolic properties - it is important in terms of muscle mass gain and muscle strength. The muscles carry up to 98% of creatine produced in the whole body. This compound improves regeneration, particularly after intensive workout. It supports ATP production in mitochondria bringing more energy to the cells. The effect is higher motivation, both mental and physical. Creatine can also affect the nervous system by stimulating neurogenesis and supporting regulation of neurotransmitter activity - dopamine, GABA and glutamate.

Ingredients of Pregnenolon NooSynergy™:

Pregnenolone | Vitasteron™
  • 50 mg / 2 caps.
Pregnenolone is a compound from the group of steroid hormones. It acts as a precursor for many hormones that are key for the proper functioning of the organism. Pregnenolone is produced mainly in the mitochondria of adrenal glands directly from cholesterol. In the liver, though, this compound can be transformed into DHEA, progesterone and testosterone. Importantly, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system as it facilitates neuron myelination and thus supports an efficient transmission of neuronal signals. Besides that, pregnenolone regulates the activity of key neurotransmitters, e.g. dopamine, GABA and acetylcholine. Because of that, it supports intellectual performance, memory, attention and helps to maintain a positive attitude and mental comfort. And since pregnenolone expands the NREM sleep phase, it improves growth hormone secretion that is important for cellular regulation.
L-lysine | PharmaLysine™
  • 800 mg / 2 caps.
Lysine is an essential amino acid - it cannot be synthesized in the human body. Thus, it must be provided with food or supplements. Lysine is one of the most important amino acids that can be used to synthesize proteins, particularly those that build muscles, tendons and bones. What is more, lysine acts as a precursor for carnitine - a compound that regulates the transport of long chain fatty acids to the mitochondria for subsequent process of β-oxidation that leads to the production of energy in the form of ATP. It is worth noting that lysine helps to synthesize different hormones and enzymes but also antibodies used by the immune system to identify and neutralize pathogens. Besides that, it takes part in the production of nucleotides - basic monomeric units that build DNA. Lysine can also regulate the activity of key neurotransmitters, e.g. glutamate that is important in terms of effective learning. It also modulates GABA A receptors and decreases the amount of released cortisol which helps to reduce the intensity of stress reactions.

Ingredients of Hyaluronan BioSynergy™:

Hyaluronic acid
  • 200 mg / 2 caps.
Hyaluronic acid is an organic compound belonging to the group of polysaccharides, more specifically glycosaminoglycans. It has an important role in the human body since it serves as a building material of the walls of blood vessels. This substance is a component of connective tissue and bodily fluids. It can be found primarily in the skin, tendons, joints and the vitreous body of the eye. Hyaluronic acid is widely used in cosmetics as a component of moisturizing formulas. This is because it exhibits the ability to bind water - it is estimated that one molecule of the acid is able to retain as much as 250 molecules of water. What’s more, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of cartilages, as it helps to maintain their elasticity and proper supply of nutrients. Importantly, this compound supports the functioning of the skeletal tissue, because it stimulates the process of osteogenesis and promotes bone mineralization. Studies indicate that hyaluronic acid may have a positive influence on neuronal regeneration and due to anti-inflammatory properties, it can protect cells from damage.
Vitamin C
  • 800 mg / 2 caps.
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a compound from the group of polyhydroxyl alcohols. In the human body, it acts as a cofactor of multiple enzymes, but also shows intense antioxidant effects. This substance is an important support for the immune system as it improves the activity of white blood cells, including lymphocytes T and B, NK cells, or macrophages. Besides that, it stimulates functioning of NK cells that destroy abnormal cells of the body. It is worth noting that vitamin C helps to reduce oxidative stress - it counteracts the harmful influence of free radicals. It also participates in the synthesis of collagen, steroid hormones, and carnitine, which benefits bone tissue recovery as well as wound healing.

VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy formula benefits

Improves overall vitality: We selected the ingredients of our formula to comprehensively support the entire body. First of all, they take care of the condition of the heart and cardiovascular system. They help to normalize blood pressure, as well as increase the elasticity of arterial walls and protect them from calcification, so blood can flow freely to all cells. In addition to that, these ingredients help to prevent atherosclerosis, as they reduce cholesterol levels. They also increase tissue sensitivity to insulin and facilitate glucose uptake. They improve the absorption of calcium from food and have a positive influence on bone mineral density. Besides that, they protect delicate structures of the body from the damaging effects of excess free radicals. They also influence the activity of the central nervous system. This is because they prolong the slow-wave sleep phase, during which the largest amounts of growth hormone are secreted, and the body’s natural regenerative processes occur most efficiently. In addition, these ingredients have a beneficial effect on the skin. They increase its hydration and elasticity, reducing wrinkles and allowing it to maintain a youthful appearance.

Improves endurance: One of the integral elements of a healthy lifestyle is physical activity. That’s why the ingredients of VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy are able to facilitate recovery mechanisms of the body even after a very intense workout. By extending the slow-wave sleep phase, natural repair processes can occur more efficiently. The components of this composition participate in the regeneration of muscle microdamage. As a result, muscle fibers not only return to their original state, but become stronger than before. These ingredients also have a beneficial influence on the condition of bones and tendons, which, of course, are crucial for proper movement. In addition, the compounds contained in this mix are able to boost the production of testosterone – a natural endogenous anabolic hormone. It makes the processes of protein synthesis more efficient, which facilitates the building of muscle mass. Thanks to the beneficial effect of these components on the cardiovascular system, all tissues are better oxygenated and nourished. The mitochondria present in their cells can also work at top speed and produce larger amounts of ATP – the energy carrier, thanks to which life processes can take place. In addition, the ingredients of our formula may reduce muscle soreness. This makes physical activity definitely more enjoyable, and post-workout recovery – much faster.

Supports the nervous system: Proper work of cognitive functions is essential for well-being and goes hand in hand with the health of the entire body. The ingredients of VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy support the development and regeneration of the central nervous system. This is because they stimulate the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which promotes neurogenesis – the process of new nerve cell formation. They also facilitate migration of neurons to target areas of the brain. Besides that, they induce long-term potentiation – a mechanism that is the source of neuroplasticity, i.e. the brain’s ability to form new connections between neurons. They also stimulate the development of myelin sheaths, which nourish axons, protect them from damage, and speed up the transmission of nerve impulses. They protect the nervous system from the damaging effects of free radicals and inflammation. Since they improve blood flow, they ensure that the brain is properly oxygenated and nourished. In addition, they regulate the activity of dopamine and acetylcholine (neurotransmitters responsible for concentration, memory and the ability to learn), as well as GABA and serotonin (key to stress resilience and positive attitude). In this way, they take care not only of the body, but also of the mind.

Supports the immune system: The immune system defends the body against attacks of harmful microbes, but also against the development of cancer. Therefore, keeping it in good shape is one of the conditions for maintaining good health. The ingredients contained in this composition stimulate natural defense mechanisms. They improve the activity of B and T lymphocytes (responsible for the production of antibodies and for controlling the activity of the entire immune system), NK cells (that destroy abnormal cells), monocytes and macrophages (devouring pathogens and remnants of cells that have undergone apoptosis). They regulate the influx of these immune system cells to areas affected by disease processes. These ingredients themselves also help to protect the body from infections, as they limit the proliferation of certain viruses (e.g., herpes virus) and bacteria. In addition, they prevent the excessive spread of inflammation, which (although necessary to efficiently fight pathogens) could harm organs and tissues. Finally, they support the regeneration of tissues that have suffered from inflammatory processes. As you can see, the ingredients of this mix comprehensively support overall health.

VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy formula specification

Formula CoQ10 NooSynergy™

  • preparation in gelatin capsules
  • 2 capsules daily unless advised otherwise by a professional
ACTIVE (1000 mg / 2 caps.)


  • gelatin capsules (white-red)
  • airtight PET bottle 120 ml with an inductive seal
  • desiccant packet Tyvek™ Microbag
  • netto weight: 36 g / 60 caps.
  • nutrition, neuroregulation, holistic medicine, scientifical studies
  • ingredient admitted to trading in the EU and the US

Formula Pregnenolon NooSynergy™

  • preparation in gelatin capsules
  • 2 capsules daily unless advised otherwise by a professional
ACTIVE (850 mg / 2 caps.)


  • gelatin capsules (white-green)
  • airtight PET bottle 120 ml with an inductive seal
  • desiccant packet Tyvek™ Microbag
  • netto weight: 31.5 g / 60 caps.
  • nutrition, neuroregulation, natural medicine
  • preparation admitted to trading in the EU and the US

Formula Hyaluronan BioSynergy™

  • preparation in gelatin capsules
  • 2 capsules daily unless advised otherwise by a professional
ACTIVE (1000 mg / 2 caps.)


  • gelatin capsules (white-yellow)
  • airtight PET bottle 120 ml with an inductive seal
  • desiccant packet Tyvek™ Microbag
  • netto weight: 36 g / 60 caps.
  • nutrition, neuroregulation, natural medicine
  • preparation admitted to trading in the EU and the US

VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy formula usage

Formula CoQ10 NooSynergy™

  • 2
  • 1 – 2
  • with food
  • during the day / before workout
  • 6 weeks of using – 2 weeks of break

Formula Pregnenolon NooSynergy™

  • 2
  • 1 – 2
  • with food
  • during the day
  • 6 weeks of using – 2 weeks of break

Formula Hyaluronan BioSynergy™

  • 2
  • 1 – 2
  • with food
  • in the morning / during the day
  • 6 weeks of using – 2 weeks of break

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VITALITY-BOX™ Amino Synergy
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The above information about products should be considered a historical and scientific facts, not a recommendation on how to use a specific substance. Dietary supplements should not be treated as an alternative to a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. The above information is not medical advice. Every use of a dietary supplement or herbal/nootropic compound should be consulted with a doctor or a specialist. Dietary supplements as well as nootropic and herbal compounds should not be mixed with medication. Our products should not be used by breastfeeding women and by the people under the age of 18.