Cognitive-behavioral methods
Cognitive-behavioral diagnosis is based on analysis of information about one’s behavior, self-image and the way they perceive the world. The behavior, as a natural reaction to external stimuli with established thought patterns, is reflected in the levels of neurotransmitters that control the functioning of the brain.
Thanks to neuroimaging data gathered by world-class professionals such as Dr. Eric Braverman or Dr. Daniel Amen, we were able to create a questionnaire that helps to accurately assess the condition of the human nervous system. Based on the answers provided by the patient it is possible to determine the state of neurotransmitters in the brain which is crucial to understand the root causes of cognitive or emotional issues as well as problems with attention, mood, memory or anxiety and nervousness.
Here you will get a quick and effective diagnostic method that does not require any additional preparation but helps to find out the origin of a problem and choose a proper therapy and methods. You can use our diagnostic tool in any place all over the world. It will help you to find out more about yourself and how your brain is actually working. Cognitive-behavioral diagnosis is also a starting point to choose a proper, individualized neuroregulation strategy that will suit your needs the best.
Neurophysiology Test
The neurophysiology test available on our site has been based on scientific research conducted by renowned neuroscience and psychology experts, such as Dr Eric Braverman, Dr Daniel Amen or Carl Gustav Jung. It is a specialized tool for comprehensive analysis of personality features and behavior of patients in terms of their neurotransmitter balance. The test has been created according to the data from neuroimaging correlated with behavior and mental traits of the patients. By using this approach, the behavioral reactions can be described in terms of the nervous system activity. The completed test will provide an overview of your stronger and weaker sides. It will also help to select the optimal neuroregulation strategy.
Take the test
describes brain-mind relations
neuropsychological assessment
describes neurophysiological predispositions
identifies neurophysiological deficiencies
Instrumental-analytical methods
There are many lab methods that are helpful in assessment of health condition and the nervous system functioning – e.g. cerebrospinal fluid testing or analysis with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Each of the methods has a focus on a particular aspect of human life and usually requires highly-advanced, professional equipment and qualified personnel.
Instrumental-analytical methods definitely have multiple advantages, however, there might be some minor inconvenience. First off, they require the physical presence of a patient. They might be invasive in some ways and require preparation prior to the test. Still, their huge advantage is the precision of the results. While they provide accurate information, they can sometimes be separated from the whole context of one’s functioning and lead to false conclusions if not analyzed with other data. That is why it’s crucial to select the method to an individual case and link it to the whole diagnostic and therapeutic approach.
Based on many years of experience we have found out that there are two methods that bring the best diagnostic effects in neuroregulation. By using the services of our partnered institutions you will gain access to the most advanced equipment and supporting professionals who will conduct the tests and analyze the results. This way, you are getting thorough information about your brain’s functioning and the subtle relations between the body and the mind.
EEG method
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive, painless procedure that allows to read bioelectric activity of the brain – a manifestation of signal transmission between neurons. It is monitored by multiple sensors (electrodes) placed on the patient’s head. The results are then used to create “brain maps” that show brain wave activity in different regions of the brain, both in the state of rest and during activity. The EEG analysis is useful in diagnosis of issues such as attention disorders and pointing out possible causes. This method can also be used to choose the right form of biofeedback or provide further therapy.
Make an appointment
describes brain-mind relations
neuropsychological assessment
cognitive abilities assessment
identifies cognitive deficiencies
STRD method
Scanning Thermoregulatory Diagnosis (STRD) is a method that helps to quickly analyze the mental and emotional state of the patient. This innovative procedure has been invented as a diagnostic tool that can effectively be used mainly in neuroregulation but also in order to prevent neurodegenerative disorders. STRD provides a holistic assessment of psychophysical balance of the organism. During the procedure, the microcirculation on the skin surface is monitored and mapped showing changes in the temperature in reaction to a specific stimulus. The collected data is analyzed by a dedicated computer software and the results are interpreted by an expert who provides evaluation of the neurophysiological state of the patient.
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