MOOD-BOX™ Herbal Synergy is a composition based on herbal extracts that comprehensively support a good mood and stress resilience. The ingredients of this formula effectively stimulate the activity of neurotransmitters that affect well-being. These herbs exhibit neuroprotective properties, so they are a decent support for the nervous system. Besides that, they have a great effect on general health.


Previous lowest price was 41,97.

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MOOD-BOX™ Herbal Synergy formula properties

Formula MOOD-BOX™ Herbal Synergy is a synergistic combination of high quality extracts obtained from herbs that have been commonly used in the greatest systems of natural medicine. Its ingredients have been chosen to support a positive attitude and the general health condition in a comprehensive way. It is worth mentioning that the effectiveness of the herbs contained in this composition have been confirmed not only by the masters of herbal crafts but also by the results of contemporary research. They indicate that all of the herbs found in our synergy box influence the activity of major neurotransmitters that are crucial in terms of the general mood. Why is it so important? Primarily because a balanced activity of those brain chemicals is a key element of inner stability and stress resilience. However, lack of balance in this sphere might result in a lowered mood and a constant feeling of fatigue.

MOOD-BOX™ Herbal Synergy has been designed to regulate deficits of serotonin activity. The ingredients of this formula are also able to support the activity of dopamine responsible for controlling levels of energy and motivation as well as GABA – the main inhibitory neurotransmitter that reduces unnecessary nerve impulses and facilitates relaxation. These herbal extracts influence the enzymes that break down these key brain chemicals, so their molecules can remain in the synapses longer and affect the nervous system more efficiently. As research suggests, the ingredients contained in this synergistic composition help to lower the level of cortisol – the so-called “stress hormone” whose intense activity is an indicator of high nervous tension. Therefore, they mitigate stress reactions and make it easier to maintain inner balance, even in tough and demanding situations.

We should emphasize that our special set shows many other health benefits. Thanks to research studies, it has been proven that its ingredients stimulate neurogenesis – the formation of new nerve cells. In addition to that, they stimulate the hippocampus and basal nuclei – those brain structures that are responsible for memory and concentration. And since these herbs exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, they protect the nervous system, improving its condition and functioning. But there’s even more to that! There are studies claiming that they can lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol level, which is particularly important for healthy blood vessels and the heart. At the same time, they are a decent support for the immune system as they reduce the development of certain bacteria and virus strains while stimulating lymphocytes that are one of the main components that create defense mechanisms of the organism. It is then pretty clear that this composition brings multiple benefits on many levels – in terms of psycho-emotional well-being, the condition of the nervous system and general vitality. 

MOOD-BOX™ Herbal Synergy is a mix of 3 synergistic preparations that show scientifically-proven, positive effects on mental comfort and well-being. We recommend it as a natural way to improve one’s mood. Because the composition has a wide range of health properties, it can also be used as a comprehensive support for the nervous system and general condition of the whole body.

Ingredients of Rhodiola BioSynergy™:

Rhodiola rosea
  • extract 4% salidroside (500 mg / 2 caps.)
Rhodiola is a plant that can be classified as an adaptogen. It comes from Northern and Central Asia but it also grows in mountain regions of Europe and subarctic areas of North America. In traditional medicine of the Far East rhodiola extract has been used as a substance that helps to adapt to demanding and adverse environmental conditions. R. rosea supports immunity, increases physical endurance and reduces stress. Modern research studies prove that rhodiola indeed supports the immune system but also influences the central nervous system. It stimulates neurogenesis - the process of new nerve cell production - which provides better functioning of the mind and supports cognitive functions, including memory and attention.
St. John's wort | Hypericum perforatum
  • extract 0.3% hypericin (300 mg / 2 caps.)
Saint John’s Wort is a popular natural resource that has been used for centuries in order to reduce anxiety. It has strong nootropic and antidepressant properties. The active compounds found in this herb intensify ATP production in mitochondria providing more energy for the cells. What is more, they improve stress resistance and bring better mood by stimulating the activity of neurotransmitters - mainly dopamine and serotonin, which is commonly known as a “happiness hormone”. However, St. John’s Wort does not affect the nervous system exclusively. It has great influence on the whole organism as it supports the activity of enzymes present in the liver and helps to regulate cholesterol level in blood. It also strengthens the immune system by fighting the bacteria and viruses that may be harmful to the body.

Ingredients of Kava Kava BioSynergy™:

Kava Kava | Piper methysticum
  • extract 30% kavalactones (450 mg / 2 caps.)
Methystic pepper, commonly known as kava kava, is an herb that became popular because of its relaxing properties. Its root is used by the cultures of Western Pacific isles to prepare a beverage that may be drunk during special events. In recent years kava kava is also quite popular in the USA, Australia and Europe. It has been proven that kava kava can effectively improve mood and increase stress resilience. The active compounds contained in this plant can stimulate the activity of the main inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, while reducing the monoamine oxidase B - an enzyme that inhibits serotonin and dopamine activity. In effect, the molecules of those neurotransmitters can act for a longer time, which provides better mood and motivation. Moreover, despite the fact that kava kava does relax the brain, it does not fog the intellectual abilities, e.g. memory or focus. It’s actually the contrary - thanks to kava kava the mind becomes sharper. That is one of the reasons why kava kava is becoming a popular equivalent of alcohol.
Gou Teng | Uncaria rhynchophylla
  • extract 4% flavonoids (450 mg / 2 caps.)
Gou-teng is an herb with neuroprotective properties that has been used in traditional medicine of the Far East. Contemporary studies prove that it is a great support for the central nervous system. It stimulates mitochondria that provide neurons with the proper amount of energy. It also increases neurogenesis - the process of new nerve cells production. That way, Gou-teng supports regenerative capabilities of the nervous system. What is more, U. rhynchophylla stimulates the activity of neurotransmitters - GABA and serotonin - which significantly improves mood, reduces stress and helps to sleep better.

Ingredients of Saffron BioSynergy™:

Saffron | Crocus sativus
  • extract 0.3% safranal (60 mg / 2 caps.)
Saffron is a plant known for its good influence on mood and libido. It has been used by the human kind for about 3000 years but it became the most popular in the Mediterranean Basin. The biologically active compounds of crocus, including safranal, crocin and crocetin, show antidepressant, nootropic and libido-stimulating properties. Saffron is also an antioxidant that supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol level in blood and facilitates weight loss.
Garcinia cambogia
  • extract 60% HCA  (600 mg / 2 caps.)
In the Ayurveda, tamarind extract has been used in order to support the proper functioning of the digestive system. In the 1960s, scientists have proven that tamarind can be used by the people who want to lose some weight. Garcinia helps to regulate metabolism of fats and increases the production of glycogen which is responsible for the feeling of satiety. Tamarind also lowers cholesterol levels in blood, particularly the “bad fraction” - LDL - that in excess may lead to atherosclerosis. The extract of G. cambogia helps to boost lowered mood since it stimulates the activity of serotonin - a “happiness hormone”. The most important active compounds of tamarind are hydroxycitric acid (HCA) and a polyphenol called garcinol.
Phosphatidylcholine | Helianthus annuus
  • extract 20% phosphatidylcholine (200 mg / 2 caps.)
Phosphatidylcholine is an organic compound from the group of phospholipids. It is a choline derivative made of choline and phosphoglyceric acid. It can be found in all bodily cells as an important ingredient of cell membranes. Phosphatidylcholine supports natural antioxidative compounds that occur in the brain and thus protects the nervous system from free oxygen radicals. Besides that, p-choline has an important role in the production of myelin sheaths that surround neurons and act as an insulator improving the speed of information processing. It is worth noting that it also influences the activity of main neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine. Hence, phosphatidylcholine is an effective support for cognitive functions and the ability to acquire new information as well as positive attitude. Since this compound participates in many metabolic processes and lowers cholesterol level, it has been found to support the condition of the liver.

MOOD-BOX™ Herbal Synergy formula benefits

Supports a good mood: There might be many reasons for a bad mood but most of them come down to a lowered activity of key neurotransmitters responsible for general well-being. Our synergy box helps to improve these symptoms. Herbal ingredients contained in this composition improve the activity of different brain chemicals, including dopamine and serotonin. The first one is released during the activation of the reward system in the brain, bringing the feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. So, it is a basis of motivation to take on new challenges. The second one is a source of psychological comfort. The balanced level of this compound helps to maintain a good mood and a positive outlook on the world. The ingredients of this synergy box stimulate transcription of genes that code receptors of serotonin. Because of that, these receptors might be produced in greater amounts and serotonin can affect nerve cells with better effects. These herbal extracts inhibit the activity of MAO enzyme (that breaks down serotonin and dopamine) and enzyme COMT (that deactivates dopamine) while reducing the intensity of dopamine and serotonin reuptake, so the molecules of these neurotransmitters can remain in the synapses for a longer time and interact with receptors. All in all, our composition helps to reach balance within the activity of “happiness hormones”, effectively improving mood.

Improves stress resilience: It might be hard to maintain a good mood when there are multiple stress stimuli. Our herbal mix helps to deal with that. The extracts contained in this formula mimic the activity of GABA – as their active compounds attach to GABA receptors and activate it just like their natural ligand. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter. It reduces excessive nerve impulses and prevents overexcitation of the nervous system as well as the whole organism. The proper level of this compound is a key element of controlling the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis whose activity leads to a stronger release of cortisol. This hormone is an important component of stress reaction that prepares the body for intense effort but when its level is too high over a longer period of time, it may turn out to be harmful for general health. With an increased GABA activity cortisol release is reduced, which mitigates many stress symptoms. On the other hand, serotonin helps to relax after a day full of challenges. It also makes it easier to fall asleep and improves the quality of regeneration during sleep. All these effects make our composition a great way to maintain inner balance and a positive attitude.

Supports the nervous system: A healthy and efficient mind is an important part of mental well-being. Herbal extracts found in our synergistic combination help to take care of the proper functioning of the nervous system. They stimulate neurogenesis – the process during which new nerve cells are created. That way, they support development and recovery of the nerve tissue. They also protect it from damage caused by reactive oxygen species and the excessive spread of inflammation. These ingredients are also able to reduce the toxicity of beta-amyloid that leads to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Importantly, they improve the activity of mitochondria that are the energy centers of the cells. In effect, the neurons can work more effectively, also in situations when oxygen availability is lower. Besides that, active compounds found in MOOD-BOX™ Herbal Synergy affect the hippocampus and basal nuclei – brain structures that are vital in terms of memory and concentration. By increasing the electrical activity of the hippocampus, the ingredients of our synergy box support the processes governing memory formation. Moreover, they regulate the activity of glutamate – the main excitatory neurotransmitter that is necessary for cognitive functions. They also improve the level of serotonin in the synapses, which is beneficial not only for general mood but also for motivation and the ability to focus. Active compounds of our composition reduce the activity of enzymes that break down acetylcholine – a brain chemical that has an important role in attention and memory. Therefore, our synergy box is a great support for the condition of the nervous system and emotional well-being.

Improves general vitality: As an ancient proverb says – a healthy mind in a healthy body. That is why it is reasonable to take care of the whole body and its condition in order to enjoy a stable mood. Our special composition might be helpful in that regard. The ingredients contained in MOOD-BOX™ Herbal Synergy support vitality in many ways. They help to regulate blood pressure by intensifying the production of nitric oxide that stimulates expansion of blood vessels. That way, they enhance prevention of atherosclerosis, reducing cholesterol level in blood and facilitating its removal from the body. These ingredients can also efficiently strengthen the immune system in the fight against pathogens. They slow down the development of certain bacteria and viruses while increasing the number of white blood cells. They are especially efficient in stimulating macrophages that devour dangerous microbes and NK cells that identify and destroy abnormal bodily tissues. Simultaneously, the ingredients found in our formula regulate inflammation, reducing it when it gets too intense. There are studies indicating that they are also able to improve symptoms of allergy, especially skin ailments. In addition to that, they can support a healthy and balanced diet by reducing food cravings. After all, they affect the activity of serotonin that suppresses appetite in the hypothalamus. Stimulation of fatty acid metabolism may provide further positive effects during weight loss. On top of that, they regulate levels of sex hormones – testosterone in men and estrogen in women – improving libido. Hence, our synergistic composition helps to enjoy a good health condition – in both physical and mental spheres.

MOOD-BOX™ Herbal Synergy formula specification

Formula Rhodiola BioSynergy™

  • preparation in gelatin capsules
  • 2 capsules daily unless advised otherwise by a professional
[800 mg / 2 caps.]
  • airtight PET bottle 120 ml
  • nutrition, neuroregulation, herbal medicine
  • ingredient admitted to trading in the EU and the US

Formula Kava Kava BioSynergy™

  • preparation in gelatin capsules
  • 2 capsules daily unless advised otherwise by a professional
[900 mg / 2 caps.]
  • airtight PET bottle 120 ml
  • nutrition, neuroregulation, herbal medicine
  • ingredient admitted to trading in the EU and the US

Formula Saffron BioSynergy™

  • preparation in gelatin capsules
  • 2 capsules daily unless advised otherwise by a professional
[800 mg / 2 caps.]
  • airtight PET bottle 120 ml
  • nutrition, neuroregulation, herbal medicine
  • ingredient admitted to trading in the EU and the US

MOOD-BOX™ Herbal Synergy formula usage

Formula Rhodiola BioSynergy™

  • 2
  • 1 – 2
  • with food
  • in the morning / during the day
  • 6 weeks of using – 2 weeks of break

Formula Kava Kava BioSynergy™

  • 2
  • 1 – 2
  • without food
  • during the day / in the evening
  • 4 weeks of using – 2 weeks of break

Formula Saffron BioSynergy™

  • 2
  • 1 – 2
  • with food
  • during the day / before bedtime
  • 6 weeks of using – 2 weeks of break

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The above information about products should be considered a historical and scientific facts, not a recommendation on how to use a specific substance. Dietary supplements should not be treated as an alternative to a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. The above information is not medical advice. Every use of a dietary supplement or herbal/nootropic compound should be consulted with a doctor or a specialist. Dietary supplements as well as nootropic and herbal compounds should not be mixed with medication. Our products should not be used by breastfeeding women and by the people under the age of 18.