D-Aspartic acid

D-aspartic acid (DAA) is an amino acid that naturally occurs in the human body. It regulates neurotransmitter activity and release of hormones – primarily stimulating testosterone production and growth hormone secretion. Thus, supplementation with DAA leads to an improvement of physical performance, sexual functions as well as muscle development. Besides that, it supports neurogenesis – a process during which new neurons are produced.


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D-Aspartic acid | PharmaDAA™

Properties: What does it actually mean that DAA is a D-aspartic acid? How does it differ from the L-aspartic acid? “There is a different letter in the middle” – you may say. Indeed, but this one letter changes quite a lot. This is because it allows us to distinguish individual enantiomers of a compound. The difference appears to be minute – the molecules are mirror-reversed, and their solutions twist the plane of polarized light by the same angle but in the opposite direction. Hence the names – enantiomer dextrorotatory – D and levorotatory – L. Nevertheless, their biological activity or even taste may be quite divergent. Besides, for some yet unknown reason, all proteins that occur naturally on Earth are levorotatory. So, why would we supplement dextrorotatory DAA? 

Well, although all proteins are indeed levorotatory, this does not apply to all amino acids. DAA is one of the two amino acids that the human organism synthesises in both forms. The levorotatory one in fact builds proteins, whereas the function of the dextrorotatory form is quite unalike. DAA has effects that are much more complex and subtle. One of them, well-documented and perhaps most noticeable, is its influence on the production of testosterone. It works twofold. First, it acts on the testicles where it directly stimulates testosterone secretion. Second, it operates in the brain and activates the sequence of processes that intensify the production of this hormone. Simultaneously, DAA upregulates the secretion of growth hormone. Therefore, the combined anabolic results of its supplementation can be seen quickly and clearly. On top of that, D-aspartic acid has another easily noticeable effect – it increases libido and enhances sexual performance. 

Improved strength, stamina, libido – you may wonder where do the subtle effects hide? See, DAA has other functions too. In some amounts, it is constantly present in the human brain. There, it influences the dopamine and GABA neurotransmitters as well as regulates the process of neurogenesis – the crucial mechanism of information acquisition and memory formation. In this way, D-aspartic acid takes care about the ‘versatility’ of our neurons (and, indirectly, of our minds). Structurally, it stimulates the growth of dendritic trees – neuronal ‘antennas’ responsible for receiving signals from other cells. Another indirect proof of DAA’s impact on cognitive functions is the fact that in neurodegenerative diseases its levels in the brain drop significantly. As you can see, the body does not always produce enough of it. Thus, although we can produce it ourselves, it is worth delivering it from the outside.

Occurrence: The human organism produces DAA in the testicles, the pituitary gland, and in the subthalamic nuclei. Moreover, it is present in the food items as one of the forms (enantiomer) of aspartic acid (Asp). Thus, all products containing aspartic acid also contain DAA. It can be found in animal-based products such as: poultry, oysters, cold cuts, venison, fish. On the other hand, products of plant origin containing DAA include: sprouts, oatmeal, avocado, asparagus, sugar cane and sugar beet molasses.

Biochemistry: D-aspartic acid (DAA) is an organic chemical compound classified as an endogenous (produced naturally by the organism) amino acid. It is one of aspartic acid (Asp) enantiomers. DAA, in contrast to LAA (L-aspartic acid) does not take part in the production of proteins. Instead, it is part of cartilage, tooth enamel and red blood cell membranes. Some of its amounts are stored in the brain tissue, thanks to which it can affect the proper course of the formation of new nerve cells (neurogenesis). The organism mainly produces DAA in the brain, specifically in the pituitary gland and subthalamic nuclei. It occurs in the testicles too. Functionally, it works as a neurotransmitter that initiates multiple biochemical processes. Moreover, it is a substrate needed to produce another neurotransmitter – N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA). It upregulates the levels of dopamine and GABA. Additionally, it influences the production of testosterone and growth hormone, which supports the regeneration of muscles. Last but not least, it takes part in the production of semen.

Fun fact: Aspartic acid owes its name to… asparagus (Asparagus officinalis). It was discovered in 1827 as an effect of asparagine hydrolysis run by two scientists: August-Arthur Plisson and Etienne Ossian Henry. Asparagine in turn, was for the first time obtained in 1806 from asparagus extract because this common veggie is its rich source. It was the first isolated amino acid ever.

How does D-Aspartic acid | PharmaDAA™ work?

Improves physical performance: Scientific evidence claims that D-aspartic acid is able to increase the synthesis of testosterone and growth hormone. These substances have anabolic effects – they accelerate the development of muscles. Additionally, testosterone makes muscle fibers more sensitive to insulin. Thus, they receive more glucose. This leads to an improvement in their efficacy and increase of physical strength. On the other hand, the growth hormone supports the regeneration of the muscles, for instance after an intense workout. Last but not least, DAA supplementation can help to maintain the optimal condition of articular cartilage and thus limit the risk of injuries.

Increases testosterone level: Scientific investigations concluded that D-aspartic acid stimulates the production of testosterone twofold. The first mechanism activates the hormonal pathway that begins in the subthalamic nuclei and produces this substance. Simultaneously, DAA affects the cells in the testicles directly and thereby intensifies the transformation of cholesterol into androgens. The enhanced production of the “male hormone” leads to increased libido and significant improvement of the erectile functions. There are also reports that mention the positive impact of DAA on orgasm duration, semen quality, and ejaculation quantity.

Supports good mood: It is proven that in the central nervous system D-aspartic acid regulates the activity of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and GABA. Dopamine is mainly responsible for psychological wellbeing and motivation. Its secretion in the brain’s “reward system” generates the feeling of satisfaction upon one’s own achievements. On the other hand, GABA prevents overactivation of the nervous system and the entire organism. Thus, it is crucial for stress resilience and emotional stability.

Improves cognitive skills: It has been observed that some amounts of DAA are accumulated in the brain tissue,  especially in the hippocampus. There, this compound ensures that neurogenesis – the process of new nerve cell formation – runs undisturbed. Specifically, it stimulates the growth of dendrites, making their branches longer and denser. These structures are primarily responsible for receiving signals from other neurons, thus their strengthening directly influences information processing in the brain. Moreover, D-aspartic acid works as an NMDA receptors agonist. Since this neurotransmitter plays a key part in the process of information acquisition and memory formation, the upregulation of its level benefits these cognitive functions. Lastly, it has been noted that Alzheimer disease patients have only about half as much DAA in their brains’ white tissue (axons) relative to healthy people. In sum, the supplementation of D-aspartic acid enhances cognitive functions such as information processing, learning, and memory.

D-Aspartic acid | PharmaDAA™ product specification


  • powdered raw ingredient
  • D-aspartic acid (>99%)
  • 1.0 ml PET spoon containing 750 – 850 mg of DAA (depending on the batch)
  • airtight ALU-PET foil bag
  • desiccant packet Tyvek™ Microbag
  • nutrition
  • neuroregulation
  • natural medicine
  • product manufacturing
  • research
  • ingredient admitted to trading in the EU and the US

How to use D-Aspartic acid | PharmaDAA™?


  • 800 – 1600 mg
  • 1 – 3
  • without food
  • during the day
  • 4 weeks of using – 2 weeks of break

How to stack D-Aspartic acid | PharmaDAA™?

To improve endurance:
Cordyceps extract 20:1 | Cordyceps sinensis
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Cordyceps sinensis


Creatine | PharmaCreatine™
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Coenzyme Q10 | Ubiquinone
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Coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinone


L-Taurine | PharmaTaurine™
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To increase testosterone level:
Pine pollen extract 20:1 | Pinus massoniana
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Tongkat Ali extract 100:1 | Eurycoma longifolia
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Tribulus extract 80% | Tribulus terrestris
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DHEA | Dehydroepiandrosterone
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DHEA Dehydroepiandrosterone


To support a good mood:
DLPA | DL-Phenylalanine
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DLPA DL-Phenylalanine


L-Tryptophan | PharmaTryptophan™
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L-Tyrosine | PharmaTyrosine™
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SAM-e | S-adenosyl methionine
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Previous lowest price was 14,99.

To support the nervous system:
Alpha-GPC 50% | AlphaCholine™
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DMAE | Dimethylaminoethanol
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DMAE Dimethylaminoethanol


Uridine | PharmaUridine™
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Vinpocetine extract 99% | Vinca minor
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The above information about products should be considered a historical and scientific facts, not a recommendation on how to use a specific substance. Dietary supplements should not be treated as an alternative to a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. The above information is not medical advice. Every use of a dietary supplement or herbal/nootropic compound should be consulted with a doctor or a specialist. Dietary supplements as well as nootropic and herbal compounds should not be mixed with medication. Our products should not be used by breastfeeding women and by the people under the age of 18.